Can you believe that summer is almost over? Or for some of you reading this, winter? Someone asked me yesterday if I was excited for “Back To School” shopping. First off I was like… um, I’m 30, I don’t go to school anymore. Then my second reaction was, oh my god how does just the thought of a fast approaching school year still make my stomach twist into knots at age 30? It goes faster and faster each year, what’s up with that? Sara was trying to explain some theory to me the other day about why it feels like time passes faster as you get older. I was only a 70% student though, so I don’t remember the 30% that included the details that would really back up the theory, so instead I’ll just change the subject.
This past week in Vancouver I went to some awesome events that were part of the Queer Film Festival. Specifically I was moved by:
Vivek Shraya is an old friend who we’ve toured and collaborated with over the years. This past year he released a beautiful and important book called GOD LOVES HAIR and two films, as well as a record (over achiever). Seeking Single White Male is Vivek’s first short. It’s beautiful and interesting and I was proud to be one of many who packed into The Rio theatre this past weekend to witness it on the big screen. Fine work my friend!
Please go check it out http://vivekshraya.com/film/
2. I AM – A Film by Sonali Gulati
The main feature of the night was this film. I found it intensely moving and thought provoking. This past year we traveled to India for a few shows and I was troubled by the politics around homosexuality and gender while I was there. Homosexuality was only recently decriminalized in this country and as a gay woman, I felt uncomfortable in a way I don’t typically experience. A lot of people told us that there aren’t any gay women in India (even gay men told us this) and I just couldn’t wrap my mind around what sort of oppression and fear must be suppressing the urges of their gay community. This film is a glimpse into that world.
3. Then on Tuesday I went and saw a retrospective from director Jamie Travis. You may remember Jamie as the director for our videos for Back In Your Head and Hell. His short films are totally bizarre and beautiful (which is why we chose him to direct our videos!) and there was a packed audience taking in his work! You should check him out here www.modernfamily.ca.
One last thing!
Sara got me to read You Are Not A Gadget by Jaron Lanier. I loved it. I think you should all read it because you’ll probably find it really interesting and inspiring. Here is a video of him talking about SOME of the topics he covers in the book. I think he is so bizarre and wonderful.
Alright everybody! Enjoy the remaining moments of sun or snow and we’ll talk soon.
T to R to the Q