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holiday merch update!!

hello friends! even though we are in the land of sunshine, our thoughts have been straying to our friends and family at home who are putting on their scarves and mittens and are braving the elements and crowds to tackle their christmas shopping! we however,…

intervention with margaret cho!

Today is the video premiere for Intervention! This is the song we wrote together with Margaret Cho, for her comedy album Cho Dependent, which has also been nominated for a Grammy for Best Comedy Album! Congrats Margaret!! The video was directed by Liam Sullivan and…

canada reads! (and so should everyone!)

when i was 12 years old i contracted chicken pox. it was grade seven, my first year of junior high (middle school), and i felt that i had won an all expenses paid vacation out of hell. i hated school and the idea that i…

Melbourne Update

To our friends in Melbourne - we apologize for the technical issues with this morning's on-sale. The folks at The Thornbury are working on fixing things, but in the meantime, we've made tickets available at the following link. See you soon!

delhi belly

hello from Plymouth, NZ! we've arrived safely from New Delhi. we traveled through Singapore, Brisbane and Auckland in a whirlwind of flights. 30 + hours of travel later we've slept and sound checked and are hours away from our first support show with Jack Johnson!…

more australia shows!

Friends in Melbourne and Brisbane! We're excited to see you soon, as our third stop on our India-New Zealand-Australia mega tour!  So excited in fact, that we want to see more of you - closer, in a smaller, more intimate space, you know, so we…

frogger in india

writing to you this morning from Mumbai. it's our last day before we travel to New Delhi. it's been a wild three days. reading back over the emails i've sent to friends i realize i've become obsessed with the traffic and general chaos on the…

Away we go!

Tegan and Sara fans! We're so sorry we've been so bad about writing. Things have been very busy around Tegan and Sara headquarters. In the past month Sara and I have been flying around and enjoying a bit of time off while also preparing for…

Applications are closed!

Wow! That was fast! Thanks to all who submitted, we have now closed the application system as we have received 300 applicants! Those who are chosen will be notified via email by 6pm PST on Friday, October 29, and given more details about location and…

looking for a special audience! please apply within…

Hello Friends! We've been planning up a storm and are finally ready to announce details for a truly exciting event happening on November 14th in Vancouver, BC. We will be playing an intimate show that will be one of the central parts of a new…