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We are getting close to the release date of Sainthood in Germany! On Friday, January 29, 2010, Sainthood will be available at stores in Germany and at as well as iTunes Germany! Here is a link to an outstanding review from, a weekly…


[vimeo][/vimeo] Yesterday we spent our day off in Quebec City at the Valcartier Vacation Village... It is a water-park that they turn into a winter wonderland after the season's first snowfall. The website claims that you can reach speeds of 80 km/h on their tube/raft…

ottawa, our nations (freezing) capital!

We are sitting backstage at the Bronson Centre in Ottawa. Tonight is the 1st of 2 shows here at this beautiful venue. Officially we are in the final stretch! 5 shows left and we're done for a few weeks before heading back into the US.…

more fundraising!

we are auctioning off one of johnny 5's drumheads that we have all autographed to raise more money for HAITI! It even includes caricatures that sara did of all of us that are amazingly lifelike. please help us raise even more money to help the…

Live at the Edge in Toronto!

We will be doing a live interview and two acoustic songs at The Edge studio on Yonge Street this Thursday in Toronto!! There is room for about 40 fans to come into the studio to watch and listen. This will be a first-come, first-serve thing,…

helping hands!

Tegan and I are both so sad about the devastation and suffering in Haiti. We'd love to help raise money and because we are on tour we'd like to utilize our merchandise sales! You've always been a tremendously supportive fan base and we can always…

a love supreme in the adirondack mountains

emy storey, our art director and dear friend, has a fantastic new project that I am madly in love with. check it out here: skq!


friends! we love excitement! some of you have mentioned feeling overwhelmed by the number of excellent selections at our merchandise store. option anxiety abounds! so, in order to assist with this dilemma, we've created a merchandise menu! here it is above! you can also link…

dispatches from edmonton!

Thanks to all the amazing fans in Edmonton! Show #2 about to start...can't wait! Its been warm but not warm enough to melt the piles of fresh powder in the parks. Shot another great snowshoe with Tegan and Shaun today! Second Dream Blog is up:…

Tegan's big adventure!

Hockey. We've been watching it our whole lives. First it was the Calgary Flames and then my step dad Bruce's team The Lacers. (we really didn't know the difference between the NHL and our step dads league at age 7). Bruce also loved the Habs…